6 Reasons I Unfollowed or Unfriended You
I actively prune my social media accounts; both my personal and public accounts. Do you?
Since these accounts are an extension of me and my brand, there's certain behaviors from followers and friends I won't tolerate. I never want to censor others or stop people from being who they are but I need to surround myself with positivity, particularly on social media. There's so much doom and gloom posted everyday, I can't allow it to seep into my thoughts or my life.
Photo: CreateHer
Here's six reasons I unfriend or unfollow people on social media...
- You read too much into what I share. I love to read and learn; what I post reflects that. If I repost or like an article about depression it doesn't mean I'm depressed maybe I just found the article interesting enough to share. Making assumptions will get you unfriended.
- You post pics or videos that I find disgusting of girls fighting, animals being abused or curse filled tirades. You're entitled to use the language you want on Facebook and I'm entitled to unfriend you for it. I like my fights staged in movies like Taken 1, 2 or 3 not on Facebook.
- We don't share the same political views. Now this usually isn't a prerequisite for being in a friendship with me but reading more of your thoughts on politics will result in me not liking you as a person. Racist rants, fear mongering and anti-women or immigrant posts are tasteless. Because your views, while you're entitled to them, are narrow minded I must unfriend you or we won't be friends in real life.
- You post too much religious stuff. Great you believe in God. I don't want someone preaching to be everyday about the religious do’s and don'ts of life. I especially don't need to see that five times in 10 minutes in my newsfeed. That's overkill!
- You're a snarky commenter. Oh you think your sarcastic comments are so funny and clever. Uh, you're not funny and I'm tired of your backhanded compliments. Unfriend!
- You haven't posted anything new on Twitter or Instagram in 8 weeks or more. I understand that it's hard to keep up with the demands of life and social media. But if you open an account and solicit followers... keep up with your posts or close your account.
What behaviors or posts cause you to unfollow others on your social media accounts?
Photo from CreateHer