5 Things that Inspired Me to Return to Blogging
I enthusiastically started my lifestyle blog January 2015. I researched the blogging process, selected a platform, bought books about blogging as well as a blog planner; even found on-line mentors whose step by step advice I could follow. After gathering all these resources, I sat in front my computer and created a few decent blog posts. Three weeks later my creative well dried up…I didn’t know what else to write.
I left the blogging world within a matter of weeks. I now realize I made some strategic errors in my first attempt at blogging. After taking a couple months off, I am now prepared to blog consistently. Here are five things that helped me renew my enthusiasm and inspired me to return to blogging:
1. Facebook
As with most social media users, I get a lot of my news from Facebook. My news feed is consistently full of articles from news outlets or posts from my friends about current events that provoke me to comment. I'd spend almost an hour each day reading articles about racism, gender inequality, poverty, animal cruelty, marriage equality, etc., but I don’t just read, I post lengthy comments especially when a user posts something derogatory or asinine. My long winded responses got me thinking, if I felt this passionate about a subject, I could totally write a blog post about it instead of just commenting on a Facebook post. This is what I intend to do.
2. Google Trends
When it came to content creation, I was a poor planner. I failed to realize that writing about trending topics could enhance by the blog. Searching my topic ideas in Google trends, can help me figure out if this topic I'm passionate about is truly the best topic for me to write about.
Here’s how it works…plug your topic ideas into Google Trends, you'll get a line graph depicting spikes of that search year over year and month over month dating back to 2004. Oh and the really cool thing is it can also forecast how this topic will trend through 2016. Searching topics with Google Trends can help you determine the optimal month to post about certain topics. This is especially useful information if you’re planning to do a specific topic series. You can also see trending news items and top search charts; these searches can also be filtered by sub-topics and region.
3. Facebook Groups
I joined several blog groups on Facebook as a way to network with other bloggers. Prior to joining the groups I knew no other bloggers, but through these groups I’ve met several bloggers in the South Florida area with whom I can now share ideas and turn to for support. Interested in finding a Facebook blog community, check these out Blog Elevated Community, Bloggers2Business, and The Blog Loft.
4. Podcasts
I had to find a way to regain my motivation and drive for blogging, so I listened to podcasts that focused on entrepreneurship and self-development every day before and after work. Your Kick-Ass Life Podcast with Andrea Owen reminded me that I'm worthy. I'm a creative woman who can and will succeed. The EntreLeaderhip podcast gave me insight into what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur in the current market from some of the top minds in the business. Myleik #mytaughtyou podcast with CurlBox CEO, Myleik Teele gave me the kick in the pants I needed to take action. Her five-point lists on topics ranging from self-discipline to goal setting are full no-nonsense, real world advice. If you’re looking for daily motivation, I highly recommend listening to these podcasts.
5. Twitter
I decided to become more active on Twitter and, as a result, was able to interact with a lot of bloggers. My favorite thing about Twitter is the #TwitterChat. I participated in mommy chats, social media chats, leadership chats, blogging chats...you name it, I jumped into it. Twitter chats are a great forum for you to learn from peers and thought leaders in real-time. By engaging in these chats, I met new people who once had the same concerns about blogging as me but found a way to overcome. Blog Elevated hosts a great Twitter chat Tuesdays, 9pm central time...check it out!
I’m really excited about blogging again. And if you have a creative block, my advice would be to take a step back. Sometimes, the inspiration we're seeking is all around you, we just need to step back and pay attention.
“Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.”
Photo: CreateHer