Being Vegan Isn't About Sacrificing

Being Vegan Isn't About Sacrificing

As a vegan there are certain annoying comments I consistently hear...

"I don't think I could ever give up meat."

"If you raised your own animals, would you eat meat then?

"How do you get your protein?" 

"I don't think I could give up bacon."

"You're vegan! Oh wow, that's gotta be so difficult. I don't think I could make that sacrifice."

Heres the thing, being a vegan isn't about sacrificing anything. I was led to some personal truths when I changed my lifestyle. Like this planet isn't here solely for humans. Animals aren't here for human consumption either. I choose not to eat animal based products because animals are sentient beings who deserve to live.  


As consumers of goods, parents and citizen of the planet, We needed to know more about food production. We're disconnected from the food making process and as a result follow outdated nutritional advice. 

Putting the needs of animals and the planet first isn't a sacrifice, it's something everyone on this planet should do to thank the Earth for its sacrifice. The oceans, land and animals are children of this planet too. Why do we abuse it?


Now, I research and I question everything.  I suggest you do the same. 

While others may see my vegan lifestyle as a sacrifice, I see it as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world in which I live.   

Being vegan isn't about sacrificing, it's about compassion. I choose not to blindly follow what I was taught for years. I'm a critical thinker and I thank this lifestyle awakening me. 

Many people may are grossed out up at the thought of eating tofu scramble, beefless tips and chickenless strips; and that's okay. But guess what? My meals save lives, it doesn't take them. Over nine billion animals are killed for meat in the U.S.; this is murder! If animals cannot willingly consent to the food process, we have no right to eat them.

Animals make a sacrifice, vegans have the ability to do too. 


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